Amazing PrizesExperienceOpportunity
Phoenix Airdrop Event offers participants a scarce opportunity to win great prizes and join future SGG Token airdrop event.

Become an SGG Member
Minting NFT in this Phoenix Airdrop event is completely FREE (NO GAS). Once participated, NFT holders will officially become a member of Samurai Guild Games with different privileges.

Future Airdrop
By the summer of 2023, SGG members can claim free SGG Token airdrop before its listing on major CEXs as a community reward.
how to join
Please Find The Form To Join In The Section Below.
Access The Form
Please find the form below.
Follow Twitter
Follow our Twitter @SamuraiGG_EN
Retweet a given tweet with hashtag #SGG.
Follow Discord
Join our Discord server.
Get Code
Get a code to mint NFT.
Mint NFT
Go to our app page then mint NFT with the given code.
join the event
Please participate in Phoenix Airdrop Event through the form below.
Winners MUST finish all given tasks, including minting NFT.
We will pick the winners randomly as the process will be livestreamed on Twitter.
December 16, 2022
Event Start Date
(19:00 - GMT+9)
January 09, 2023
Event End Date
(23:59 - GMT+9)
January 11, 2023
Event Result on Twitter
(15:30 PM - GMT+9)

Reach out To SGG
Please feel free to contact us!